See my earlier response. It sounds like you have not created the second
Sub doFindReplace(iCount As Integer, fField As FormField, fFieldText() As
As the article says, YOU NEED BOTH OF THEM!
Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
Louise H said:
Aha. That was my silly mistake - took out a line that was needed! I have
gotten a little further along and fixed a few more errors, but have another
one I don't know how to fix: The debugger takes me to
' Find and replace placeholders with form fields.
doFindReplace iCount, fField, fFieldText()
and tells me 'Compile Error: Sub or Function not defined'.
I took a stab in the dark and put ActiveDocument. in front of
doFindReplace but got a 'not supported' message so that was wrong.
If it's pertinent: I don't actually want to do the mail merge, just the
basics of it within the one document - store the text from the form fields,
have placeholders, (pause here and edit the document if I so wish), and then
return the placeholders to form fields containing text.