ranswert said:
How do I declare a multidimensional array where the first dimension
upperbound is known, but the second dimension upperbound is not known ?
Also, how do I 'redim' that array when the second dimension upperbound is
I found this in my code library. It was for Access VBA but I think it should
be the same for Excel. Hope it helps. It is a demonstration routine.
Dim m_Array() As String
Private Sub Demo()
Dim l_x As Integer
m_Array = GetArray
For l_x = 1 To UBound(m_Array, 2)
Debug.Print "m_array(1, " & l_x & ")=" & m_Array(1, l_x) & " ...
m_array(2, " & l_x & ")=" & m_Array(2, l_x)
End Sub
'=== This returns a 2 dimensional dynamic array
Public Function GetArray() As Variant
Dim l_Array() As String
Dim l_x As Integer
Dim l_y As Long
ReDim l_Array(2, 0) '-- Clear/initialize the array.
l_y = 1
For l_x = 1 To 10
'-- You can only use Preserve if you ReDim the outer dimension
' the [2] values are the number of dimensions.
ReDim Preserve l_Array(2, UBound(l_Array, 2) + 1)
l_y = l_y * 3
'-- Note how UBound is used to reference the number of entries in
Debug.Print "Adding " & l_x & " and " & l_y
l_Array(1, UBound(l_Array, 2)) = l_x
l_Array(2, UBound(l_Array, 2)) = l_y
Next l_x
GetArray = l_Array
End Function