redirect after form submits results to email



I think this should probably be an easy question, but I can't figure it out.

How do I redirect to another page after a form has been submitted using the
Send to email address form property?? I tried setting the second page to a
confirmation page url but that doesn't work. It submits the form on the second
page instead of displaying it. I've tried the hidden field redirect, but
that's not working either. I'm the onsubmit= but it's not saving the value
after it's published. It defaults a FP confirmation page. Can this be done??

Here's the form submit code:
<form method="POST" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--"
onsubmit="location.href='../_derived/nortbots.htm';return false;"
language="JavaScript" webbot-onSubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)"
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" s-email-format="HTML/UL"
s-email-address="(e-mail address removed)" b-email-label-fields="TRUE"
b-email-subject-from-field="FALSE" s-email-subject="ABD001 WRAPPER ORDER"
s-date-format="%d-%b-%Y" s-time-format="%I:%M %p" s-builtin-fields="REMOTE_NAME
REMOTE_USER HTTP_USER_AGENT Date Time" s-form-fields="Name Area DateRequired
GiveOrderTo Email SelectBarSize Event DateToPrintOnWrappers
NamesToPrintOnWrappers KeepFrontTextSameAsOnSample WordingForWrapperFront
KeepBackTextSameAsOnSample WordingForWrapperBack KeepColorTheSameAsOnSample
ColorChoice AddPhotoYes AddPhotoNo HowPhotoSent Comments " startspan
--><strong>[FrontPage Save Results Component]</strong><!--webbot
bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="6561" --><p align="center"
style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">


Steve Easton

It's called a custom confirmation page and is set in Form properties. Your custom confirmation page
can be any page you want.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer


thanks for the reply.

You said
It's called a custom confirmation page and is set in Form properties. Your
custom confirmation page
can be any page you want.

And like i said,
I tried setting the second page to a

I tried changing the onsubmit="location.href='(the page I want)'
but that doesn't work because when i publish the page, it "erases" it and go
back to the default.

Here's the address of the first page with the page i want as page 2 as the
confirmation url. forms/abd001_order.htm

You'll get a default confirmation page (2nd form) when it should be
which is what is in the confirmation url. I have no idea why it's not working.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! This is getting on my nerves! :)


With the web open in FrontPage, in the form properties, change the URL for
the confirmation page from
.../std_wrapper_cart.htm, or better still browse to the page and let
FrontPage determine the path.

The form in the confirmation page you are using will automatically submit,
without user input. This is by design in the FrontPage extensions.

The usual practice with this type of multiple form is to make the second
page the action for the first. The second page will process the data on the
first page, then display the second form. This cannot be done using the
FPextensions - you will require some server side scripting (PHP or Perl/CGI,
or ASP if your host supports it).

Also, remove all spaces from file and folder names. Spaces break links in
some browsers.


Thank you so much for the explanation as to why the second page is
submitting!! I didn't know that.

The first page is a form to create a wrapper, which sends the design to my
email. The second is to order and is "designed" by PayPal and I can't change
those. I added a cancel button to the second so I could get an email letting
me know that they weren't going to pay for the first email...otherwise, i would
invoice them if they didn't pay. I can't use .asp, but i'm gonna try cgi. If
anyone can think of a better way to do this, please let me know! I'm open to
all ideas!

Thanks to everyone for your help!

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