reduce excel file size by deleting blank rows and columns??




I have a 34MB excel file. How can I reduce the size of it? I have
blank rows from row 110-65536 and blank columns from col V-IV which I
want to delete. I tried selecting the last row, then CTRL+SHIFT
+DOWNARROW followed by DEL but it doesn't seem to work since the
scroll bar at the right is still tiny which means that there are
endless rows below. Why can't I simply delete them? Do I need a
retinal scan from the president??

Thanks in advance for your help

KC Rippstein hotmail com>

When you do that, instead of hitting the delete key, right click on any of
those rows and use that Delete function. Same thing with the columns, select
V and shift-control-right then right-click the V and use that Delete function.


After the delete, you'll need to save, then close & reopen the spreadsheet.
Wow, you really need to be a very close friend of Bill Gates to know
this. Thanks for helping me out of my misery David, I appreciate it;)


i have a similar problem and realized that i do have blank rows.
i select all the blank rows, right-click, but, the Delete function is
disabled (greyed out).
any idea, why?
P.S: this file was originally created in 2003 and was later convered to 2007.

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