Reduce home page size



Hello David,

I am trying to reduce the size of my homepage ( ) that
is now about 191K, i do not want to remove many things from there so i found
out that the " small red blinking points" on the map is about 35k all
together ( around 1k each one ), thats means that publisher has store 1 image
for each "blinking point" , is there any way to make publisher to has only 1
image store and then to use this image to locate the points where i want?

Thanks Panos



I agree with Rob, that trying to change out those blinking points isn't
going to help much. In reality I think you have a pretty fast loading page
given just how many graphics you have. And enough text loads quickly to keep
my attention while the rest of it loads. You seem to have done a pretty good
job of optimizing the images.


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