Reduced Functionality


Doug Whitman

It says that after the end period for Office 2007 and OneNote 2007 the
programs will continue running with reduced functionality until the upgrade
is purchased. How reduced will that be? Will it be reduced to the level of,
say Office and OneNote 2003? Or will it be a substantial loss? I ask because
a) OneNote for some reason is not backward compatible so if there is a
time-lag before upgrade everything can be lost (I can't reinstall OneNote
2003), and; b) because through the university group purchasing it may take
months to actually gain access to the 2007 software

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Reduced functionality = pretty much useless.
You prob. won't be able to print, can't take any notes, send any emails,
save any files, etc. I think the only thing you will be able to do is
look at your notes, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
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Doug Whitman

Okay- so since there may be several months of waiting- its better to get out
of 2007 altogether as soon as possible. Thank you.

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Not necessarily...
Here are the numbers:
OneNote 2007 B2TR expires March 31, 2007.
I'd assume that there will be a OneNote 2007 trial version available by
then, which if identical to the ON 2003 trial, would give you an
additional 60 days. So that puts you at the end of May.
OneNote will be released to volume license customers in November, and to
OEM/retail customers in January. If your university gets Office via
volume licensing, there is quite a long stretch of time in which they
can get it for you. I'd suggest to talk to your university people right
now and ask them if there is a chance you can get it early. At least at
my university, they hand out Office generally at the beginning of an
academic year, so that would be August. But they told me they get it
with a few months delay, so I'd speculate that my university will get it
through its campus software agreement in February or so. If I really
want it then, I'll get on their nerves to give it to me early.
I'd talk with them and then make your decision. Also, OneNote only costs
~$100, so if you really value 2007 a lot more than 2003, you could just
buy it.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
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OneNote 2007:
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