Reduced Print size?


Jim at SDSU

I have someone who was working in the UK (Cambridge) and has just returned.
She has a file that seems to be printing at X%. The margins are set to 1 inch
all the way around, and everything "looks" OK in print preview, but when
printed, the font is smaller than set, and the right margin is 2 1?4 inches
and the bottom margin is 2 3/4 inches. I have checked the "resize for A4 in
the settings and it is selected. I have checked the printer settings for
scaling, and it is set to 100%. In Page Setup, I have selected "Legal" (it
made the margins even larger) and back to "Letter" to no avail. I have copied
and pasted into a new blank document, this brought the problem along. I saw
something about selecting "Accept all Changes" in "Track Changes" however
this did nothing. I tried moving the document to a Macintosh, and everything
was the same, except in the "instant preview" in the print dialog showed the
problem. I'm running out of ideas, anyone have any suggestions?


Jay Freedman

The large margins and smaller print is almost 100% sure to be due to
either tracked changes or comments, and Word is reserving room in the
right margin for balloons. This can be true even though there are no
(visible) changes or comments.

The "Accept All Changes" action is a good start but not complete
enough. On the Reviewing toolbar, also click the down arrow next to
the red X icon and select "Delete all comments in document". It's also
a good idea to go into the Track Changes option dialog and set the
"Use balloons" dropdown to Never.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Daiya Mitchell

And if all that still doesn't work--in the Print dialog, set Print What
to Document instead of Document with Markup.

Jim at SDSU

Thanks guys. Some how "Track Changes" got turned on, and she never did so on
purpose. Solved the problem.


Jay Freedman said:
The large margins and smaller print is almost 100% sure to be due to
either tracked changes or comments, and Word is reserving room in the
right margin for balloons. This can be true even though there are no
(visible) changes or comments.

The "Accept All Changes" action is a good start but not complete
enough. On the Reviewing toolbar, also click the down arrow next to
the red X icon and select "Delete all comments in document". It's also
a good idea to go into the Track Changes option dialog and set the
"Use balloons" dropdown to Never.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


I had a full day's word processing - about 3,000 words of original materials
- plus a couple of tables, etc. and it printed out at 75% over and over. I
couldn't find anything wrong and MS Help was utterly useless. In despair I
went onling to MS, and somehow got to your message. OF COURSE, it's because
of the comments. I was using that feature in an unusual way so it never
occurred to me that it be the cause of the problem. You wrote your comment in
April; it helped me enormously in September. I don't know if you every find
out about that. If not, I'm sure you'll get some sort of positive karma for
doing it.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The beauty of NNTP newsreaders (which Jay and I both use) is that one can
see new messages in old threads quite easily, so I'm sure Jay will see your

Jay Freedman

Sure enough. And you're welcome.

Now, if only Google will resurrect the last four or five years' worth
of Google Groups archives...

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

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