JoAnn Paules
I've been working an recreating a technical manual that exists in paper form
only right now. As of this morning it was at 175MB and I still have about 10
large graphics to insert. It keeps crashing Word so I Googled for ways to
reduce the file size.
I compressed the graphics - no change. No versions. Fast Saves and
Background Saves are deselected. No change.
I found a tip to save the file as an HTML, close the .doc, open the HTML in
Word and save as a .doc. My file is now under 5MB. I saved it as a new name
just in case. What are the dangers of doing this? It *appears* okay but I'm
hesitant to overwrite the master file. It represents weeks of work - some of
it done at home on my own time. I'd really rather not lose anything. (Yes, I
can/will back the file up on a flash drive but I'd still like to know about
any risks of doing this.)
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
How to ask a question
only right now. As of this morning it was at 175MB and I still have about 10
large graphics to insert. It keeps crashing Word so I Googled for ways to
reduce the file size.
I compressed the graphics - no change. No versions. Fast Saves and
Background Saves are deselected. No change.
I found a tip to save the file as an HTML, close the .doc, open the HTML in
Word and save as a .doc. My file is now under 5MB. I saved it as a new name
just in case. What are the dangers of doing this? It *appears* okay but I'm
hesitant to overwrite the master file. It represents weeks of work - some of
it done at home on my own time. I'd really rather not lose anything. (Yes, I
can/will back the file up on a flash drive but I'd still like to know about
any risks of doing this.)
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
How to ask a question