Reducing/Limiting the size of an Excel 2002 Workbook


Larry Rothstein

I have a Workbook with around 100 sheets. The needed
area on each sheet is about 50 columns by 300 rows. Due
to the amount of data, formulas, and links, the file is
around 90 Mb and I often run into the 'out of memory'
error. The computer I am using is a 2 GHz system, with
512 Mb of RAM and 30 GB harddrive. Page memory is set at
1.5 GB.

Is there a way to limit the number of rows or columns in
each sheet to reduce the file size, or any other way to
reduce the size of the file?

Paul Corrado


You cannot limit the number of rows or columns. You can however make sure
that the "empty" cells are really empty by deleting them, saving the file
and then reopening the file. (If you go to any sheet and select Ctrl+End
the cursor will go to the lower right corner of the used area of the
worksheet and if that is not the same as your data area then you have extra
"active" rows & columns)

To delete those rows & columns, select all of the sheets, (right click on
one of the sheet tabs and choose "Select All). Highlight the columns that
you are certain should not contain data and then use Edit|Delete. Follow
the same process for the rows.

That should reduce your file size.

You also may want to look into either separating the information into
separate workbooks or possibly combining some of the data into the same
worksheet as either of these actions can reduce the file size.


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