Reducing redundancy/repitition???



I've found that it's the userforms, not the code, that
takes up a lot of space. It sounds like you can reuse the
same userform a few times and just pass in the labels,
prompts, etc. The code below is for a two-button userform
and is placed in the userform itself

Public Function GetResponse() As Integer

'This subroutine simply determines which option was
'sends the value back to the calling routine, and unloads
'dialog box to free memory.

If OptnBtn1.Value = True Then
GetResponse = 1
ElseIf OptnBtn2.Value = True Then
GetResponse = 2
GetResponse = 0
End If

Unload frm2Btns

End Function

The calling program uses the following text to get the
user's response:

With frm2Btns
.Caption = "your caption"
.Label1.Caption = "Label 1 text"
.OptnBtn1.Caption = "Option button 1 prompt"
.OptnBtn2.Caption = "Option button 2 prompt"
End With

Load frm2Btns

UserResponse = frm2Btns.GetResponse

Unload frm2Btns

Select Case UserResponse
Case 0
[your code]
Case 1
[your code]
Case 2
[your code]
End Select

Hope this helps.

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