I have a schedule put together about 500lines. We have laid out the
plan and resourcing with fixed durations non effort driven.
A lot of the resourcing is loaded at 100%. In out mind no resource is
ever at 100% when you take into consideration vacation, sick time,
training , etc. We would like to make a "global" change to say no
resource is ever really over 90% allocated on a task. Without
changing the durations etc.
Is there a way to do this without looking at each task and reducing
the % allocated ????
Thanks for your help in advance.
plan and resourcing with fixed durations non effort driven.
A lot of the resourcing is loaded at 100%. In out mind no resource is
ever at 100% when you take into consideration vacation, sick time,
training , etc. We would like to make a "global" change to say no
resource is ever really over 90% allocated on a task. Without
changing the durations etc.
Is there a way to do this without looking at each task and reducing
the % allocated ????
Thanks for your help in advance.