Reducing template size


Bruce H

I need to create a calendar on a booklet size page (5.5" x 8.5"). I wanted to
use a 2008 calendar template that apparently is only available as 8.5" X 11".
Is the a method to reduce the entire template to the smaller size page?

Bruce H

Bruce H

The calander will be one page of a 50-page Publisher-created directory so it
must be included in the document. Therefore I am unable to control it's size
as a unique page.

Mary Sauer

The hard way:
Click Design Gallery Object, calendar, select one of the designs, change the
date range to January, 2008, resize. Repeat for each month. These calendars can
be re-sized without distortion.

Bruce H

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Mom always said things
would'nt be easy

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