Redundant Data Autopopulates in My Form



I've spent the morning looking through old postings, but can't find anything
that seems to address my problem. If I missed it, please forgive my
redundancy about redundancies.

My problem is with a Process Model database form that has two combo boxes
where users can select data ("Deliverables" and "Inputs"). They both get
their combo box selections from a table called "Articles" because the
Deliverable from one process can be the Input for another (hence the generic
term "articles"). That is, Process A can create a Deliverable without which
Process B cannot begin (its Input).

I believe having Deliverable and Input referring to the same table is the
root of my problem, because when a user selects a Deliverable from the list,
it automatically populates the Inputs field with the same information (and
vice-versa). Is the issue with having the same Primary Key?

Sorry if this is an "obvious newbie" problem, but that's what I am.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Is it getting stored in the Process Module table as 2 different fields?
a.k.a. DeliverablesArticleID & InputsArticleID or just one ArticleID?



Ah-ha. My assistant just confessed to creating the Inputs combo box
(subform) by copying the Deliverables subform. Most info in "Properties" was
changed to "Inputs," but not everything, so the Inputs subform was acting
like a mutant hybrid — getting some info from Deliverables and some from
Inputs... and it couldn't figure out where to put its data I removed the
subform and created it from scratch and all is at peace once more. Whew!

Thanks for taking this on, BTW.


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