Ref earlir post "If, SUM, VLOOKUP...oh my!!"



Maybe I didn't provide enough information...The cell F50 example was just a
random cell I choose. Hopefully this extra information can zero in on what I
Let's start with cell F84 (I am sure there are 6 hours of prior information
from D84 back to D36, but it will not always be 49 rows).
The time information (column 'D' is data collected from rain gauges recorded
every 5 minutes). The values in column 'E' record amount of rain. The end of
a rain event is defined by 6 hours of 0 rain fall (based on 6 hours and 0
values). I want the range to look back 6 hours (column 'D' and sum the values
in column 'E'). If the sum is 0, then it determines the end of the rain event
and returns a value of 1. If the sum is > 0, then the rain event has not
ended and returns a value of " ", thus allowing the cycle to continue until a
value of 1 (zero rain fall for 6 hours) has occured. I have another formula
that "grabs" the begining and ending times of the rain event, but I need the
formula to define a rain event. Hopefully this clarifies, not confuses you
Thanks for the reply,






Paul said:
Maybe I didn't provide enough information...The cell F50 example was just a
random cell I choose. Hopefully this extra information can zero in on what I
Let's start with cell F84 (I am sure there are 6 hours of prior information
from D84 back to D36, but it will not always be 49 rows).
The time information (column 'D' is data collected from rain gauges recorded
every 5 minutes). The values in column 'E' record amount of rain. The end of
a rain event is defined by 6 hours of 0 rain fall (based on 6 hours and 0
values). I want the range to look back 6 hours (column 'D' and sum the values
in column 'E'). If the sum is 0, then it determines the end of the rain event
and returns a value of 1. If the sum is > 0, then the rain event has not
ended and returns a value of " ", thus allowing the cycle to continue until a
value of 1 (zero rain fall for 6 hours) has occured. I have another formula
that "grabs" the begining and ending times of the rain event, but I need the
formula to define a rain event. Hopefully this clarifies, not confuses you
Thanks for the reply,

Niek Otten said:
Hi Paul,

Your example doesn't work because in F50 there is no 6 hours prior. The first possible one is in row 73. I assume that you want to
sum only the numbers smaller than or equal to .3 and greater than or equal to zero.


You can copy this formula down, it will adjust automatically.
You'll have to decide what to do with the rows above.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I hope someone can help...
| I can not seem to come up with a formula to do what I want.
| I think the formula will contain "IF", "SUM", and "VLOOKUP", but I am not
| 100% sure. It could also be 'SUMIF'.
| Here is the situation.
| I have a column 'D' of time. The dates range for 2 months every 5 minutes.
| I have a column 'E' of values (mostly between 0.0 and 0.3).
| In column 'F' I would like to make a formula.
| Let's say I am in cell F50...What I want the range to be is [D50:D50-0.25]
| (6 hours prior)...I want to add the values in the 'E' column that fall within
| this range I just stated.
| Does that make sense?
| I think if someone could help me with that, I could probably complete the
| rest of the formula. The rest of the formula is: if the sum of the range is
| equal to 0 then 0, if the sum of the range is > 0 then 1. I have another
| formula based on the 0 &1 result.
| Thanks,
| Paul

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