refEdit and Excel crash



My user form causes Excel crash from time to time.
It looks like refEdit control causes that.
Something related to tab stop index, but i have no idea what and why.

I looks very strange.
I put some breakpoints in the code.
It looks like code is executed but doesn't stop on breakpoints.
After pressing tab key several times user form disappears from the screen.
VBE shows that nothing is running, but when I try i run once again it
causes Excel crash.

Did anybody have anything similar to that?

Is there any other control which can substitute refEdit ?

Bob Phillips

You haven't used the RefEdit within a frame by any chance. Frames and
RefEdit seem to be very buggy.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Bob said:
You haven't used the RefEdit within a frame by any chance. Frames and
RefEdit seem to be very buggy.

Yes, but I can't remove frames unfortunately.
We decided to make userform more complicated for a user and move all
refEdits to small "popup" userform.
So in main userform user sees labels/editboxes with values, but if he
wants to change value he must click small button.
Similar solution is utilized by Microsoft to modify collection. Small
button with three dots.

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