Refer to a calculation on table


Johanna Gronlund


I wanted to ensure that Text5 equals to a calculated field on my table
=SUM(ABOVE). There doesn't seem to be a bookmark or name that I could use. Is
it possible to do this kind of check? Also, can I get the formula field to
return words rather than 0 or 1?

Many thanks in advance

Pesach Shelnitz

Hi Johanna,

The field {=SUM(Above)} adds up the numbers in all the cells in the column
above the cell with this field.

If you want to sum bookmarked numbers, create a field like {=SUM({REF bk1},
{REF bk2})}, bk1 and bk2 are the names of bookmarks that embrace numbers. You
will need to create each pair of {} by selecting the field code and pressing

If you want words instead of digits, add \*CardText, for example,
{=SUM(Above) \*CardText}.


Hi Johanna,

The solution is essentially the same as for the propblem posed in your other thread.

Peter Jamieson

It is probably worth pointing out that things like { = SUM(ABOVE) } need
to be handled with care - for example, SUM(ABOVE) looks up the column
until it finds a cell containing a number, then adds numbers until it
reaches a cell that does not have a number, and then stops. So it's fine
if you know that all the cells will contain numbers, but not so fine if
there are any non-numeric gaps in the middle of the list.

Even that is probably a simplification of what =SUM(ABOVE) actually does :)

Peter Jamieson
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