refer to the cell as it is empty...



when i use a formula like: if(A1=2,"ok","") in cell B1.
Is there a way to write the formula in other way that in case A1<>2 my cell
will be empty?
i'll explain what i mean...
before i added the formula to cell B1 it was empty(not in use). other cells
that refers to B1 saw him as a zero value.
after i used my formula it is not a zero any more... it is "".
but i do not want to change the formula to be if(A1=2,"ok",0) since i have
conditional format if the value is 0.
i need the formula if(A1=2,"ok",????) to represent a clear cell... how
should i do that?

Miri Tz.

Gary''s Student

You should keep your equation in B1 as you have written it. The formulas in
other cells can be made to understand that B1 contains "" and not 0.

Dave Peterson

Once you put the formula in the cell, the cell won't be empty.

You could modify the other formulas, though:


(for instance)

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