Reference a function of a project dynamically


Nicolas Rabaté


I'm wondering whether it is feasible to reference a function of another
project dynamically.

Here is the piece of code

Project A : a reference is set to project B
Dim o1 as IPictureDisp
set o1 = ProjectB.Module.myform(1)

Project B/Module
Public Function myform (v as Integer) as IPictureDisp
Dim uf as pics
set uf = new pics
set myform = uf.imglist.ListImages(1).Picture
set uf = nothing
End function

As it is this code sample works fine.

Project A : the reference to Project B is not set

Word Heretic

G'day "Nicolas Rabaté" <[email protected]>,


Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at

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