reference a function


Bill Brehm

Can I do something like this?

1 =F(A1)
2 =F(A2)
3 =F(A3)
4 etc

and define a function in a cell called F, say maybe =sin(X)? This would give
me the ability to plot any function I can put in a cell.

Herbert Seidenberg

Select which function you want by setting
a cell named my_func to 1, 2 or 3 (max is 29).

Bill Brehm

What do you mean by 'table' here? is it referring to Ardus Petus'

I was trying to look for a way to put a perhaps complicated function in only
one cell rather than in every cell in the range covered by the range of
arguments. I know I can do it with VB but looking for a way to do it on the
spreadsheet only.

Could array formulas be of any help?

Harlan Grove

Bill Brehm wrote...
Can I do something like this?

1 =F(A1)
2 =F(A2)
3 =F(A3)
4 etc ....
and define a function in a cell called F, say maybe =sin(X)? This would give
me the ability to plot any function I can put in a cell.

The closest would be a udf like

Function F(a As Variant) As Variant
Dim fcn As String
Application.Volatile True
fcn = Evaluate("_F")
fcn = Replace(fcn, "$$", CStr(a))
F = Evaluate(fcn)
End Function

where _F would be a defined name referring to the actual function you
wanted to use, and $$ would be the token representing the argument to
F(). Note: you can't have both a udf named F and a defined name named F.

Herbert Seidenberg

Assuming your data looks like this:
table results
0.00 0.00
0.15 0.15
0.31 0.30
0.46 0.44
.... ...
5.98 -0.30
6.13 -0.15
6.28 0.00


Table is the named range of numbers from 0.00 to 6.28
Select these numbers and
Insert > Name > Define > Names in Workbook > table
In the same manner, give the cell with the 1 the name my_func
Fill the <results> column with the formula given in the previous post.
The column <results> will now display the sine terms.
You can now plot the first column (radians) vs the second (x y plot).
To display the cosine, type in 2 in the my_func cell.
Now let's add an arbitrary fourth function, a quadratic.
Add Quad to the formula:
Add this name to > Names in Workbook > Quad
Refers to =0.58*table^2-1.78*table+2.34
Type 4 into my_func and the quadratic curve will appear in your graph.

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