Reference class library



How do I use a function in a class library (third party)

1. I have a registered dll in Tools/References for the class library and it
appears in the references collection
2. The class library has one function that accepts a parameter.

How do I call the function?

1. Call Newdll.NewFunction(Argument1) - produces an error (object block not
2. Using CreateObject("NewDll") resolves the error, but the function does
not execute.

Is the CreateObject statement incorrect, or are other statements missing?

Douglas J. Steele

What's the function supposed to be doing? (In other words, how do you know
it's not executing?)


It is not sending the email message. It's a SMTP send "MailBee" in a dll to
protect the license key.

I've been able to execute the send using CreateObject(MailBee.SMTP)
directly. I believe the problem lies in the way the parameters are being
passed to the dll. I don't believe the problem is with my VBA code, so I
will followup with the provider.


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