Al Blake
Can anyone point me at some introductory resources for creating custom
outlook web forms for Ex2003?
I need to build a customised resource booking form that userstands periods
(we are a high school!) and all the references I can find on Technet/MSDN
seem to refer to Exchange5.5 or 2k and wont work using XP as a design
environment. I have built fgorms inside outlook itself but we want to design
web equivalents.
Any suggestions?
Al Blake, Australia
outlook web forms for Ex2003?
I need to build a customised resource booking form that userstands periods
(we are a high school!) and all the references I can find on Technet/MSDN
seem to refer to Exchange5.5 or 2k and wont work using XP as a design
environment. I have built fgorms inside outlook itself but we want to design
web equivalents.
Any suggestions?
Al Blake, Australia