Trying to figure out how I was able to do this in the past...reference
another wkbook (Sourcefile), include ALL wksheets in the formula either
Globally or Sheet1:Sheet50. Using a Source file which has data labels say, in
column A and the corresponding numbers in Columns B, C, D, E, F (these
represent year1 to year5) for Product A. There are 50 products so there are
50 wksheets most of which have the same format, but not all of them. The
Dependent file consists of 5 Wksheets, each with a tab named for years 1
through 5. On the first wksheet (Year1) Col A consists of the Product ID ex.
[01AA, 01AB, 01AC, 02AA, 02AB, 02AC...]; wksheet 2 (Year2) Col A has Product
ID ex. [101AA, 101AB, 101AC...]; wksheet 3 (Year3) Col A has Prod. ID ex.
[201AA, 201AB, 201AC...]. Col E is where I want to use the Reference formulas
that retrieve the values (Prices) from the Source file range (A380)...in
which Col E is where Prices are. Some of the formulas I've used are Standard
Vlookup; Vlookup&Indirect cominations;
INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("'[1XLSourceFile.xls]",A6,"'!$E$49")) where e49 is where
the Total Price is in some of the wksheets...Since all wksheets don't have
the Total on row 49 I thought I would need to incorporate some type of Lookup
in the formula...Whew! Finally, All this needs to be acheived by ONLY sending
the Dependent File to Customer, NOT with the Source File... As I've stated
before, I've been able to do this in the past somehow, but don't have acces
to any of my old files with these types of examples...Sorry for the long
explanation...Thanks for any help that can be provided!!!
another wkbook (Sourcefile), include ALL wksheets in the formula either
Globally or Sheet1:Sheet50. Using a Source file which has data labels say, in
column A and the corresponding numbers in Columns B, C, D, E, F (these
represent year1 to year5) for Product A. There are 50 products so there are
50 wksheets most of which have the same format, but not all of them. The
Dependent file consists of 5 Wksheets, each with a tab named for years 1
through 5. On the first wksheet (Year1) Col A consists of the Product ID ex.
[01AA, 01AB, 01AC, 02AA, 02AB, 02AC...]; wksheet 2 (Year2) Col A has Product
ID ex. [101AA, 101AB, 101AC...]; wksheet 3 (Year3) Col A has Prod. ID ex.
[201AA, 201AB, 201AC...]. Col E is where I want to use the Reference formulas
that retrieve the values (Prices) from the Source file range (A380)...in
which Col E is where Prices are. Some of the formulas I've used are Standard
Vlookup; Vlookup&Indirect cominations;
INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("'[1XLSourceFile.xls]",A6,"'!$E$49")) where e49 is where
the Total Price is in some of the wksheets...Since all wksheets don't have
the Total on row 49 I thought I would need to incorporate some type of Lookup
in the formula...Whew! Finally, All this needs to be acheived by ONLY sending
the Dependent File to Customer, NOT with the Source File... As I've stated
before, I've been able to do this in the past somehow, but don't have acces
to any of my old files with these types of examples...Sorry for the long
explanation...Thanks for any help that can be provided!!!