Reference in VBE not checked, tho addin installed



Tried posting this to another NG several days ago with no response.
Hopefully someone can help...

My addin is installed and checked in the document. I have a sub from the
addin in the document_new event that is supposed to run, but since an error
is occurring since the reference to the addin is not "checked" in the
references in the VBE. I have unsuccessfully tried running the following
code to "check" in references:

ActiveDocument.VBProject.References.AddFromFile ("g:\")

How can I make sure the reference to the addin is checked? (I have already
already tried putting a shortcut to the addin in the startup folder, and
that didn't do it).

Help, please.


Doug Robbins

To be an Add-in, the template itself needs to be installed in the Word
Startup directory. I don't think having a shortcut there will do the trick
as I imagine the program only reacts to files with a .dot extension.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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