reference no inside text box doesn't appear in cross referencing



A common problem regarding cross referencing inside text box.
1- I have pasted a photo inside word file.
2- In order to get the photo freely moveable to the exact location I want, I
used picture toolbar/text wrapping command and select "edit wrap points".
After performing this command, it is very easy to move the photo around.
3- I select the photo and choose caption and insert the caption below the
photo. However caption enters into a text box automatically.
4- This caption number doesn't appear in cross reference windows.

My counter measure:
I tried to put the photo inside a frame and put the caption below without
text box but I couldn't succeed.
What is the best solution to make caption appear in cross reference windows.
Also is what I did for moveing the photo easily, is true?


The difference between frames and textboxes (for this purpose) is that
frames are part of the main story. Textboxes are in a diferent layer. Which
is why the textbox content doesn't appear for xref purposes (nor in the


I understand that text box is not good/wise idea to use for puting captions
inside. (Actually I had no intention to do so and it was word option). But
the problem is that I can't insert the frame as well. Should I insert the
frame first and then drag the photo inside? or it will work if I select the
photo and then insert the frame? I succeeded with non of them.
Rasoul Khoshravan Azar
Civil Engineer, Osaka, Japan

Jezebel said:
The difference between frames and textboxes (for this purpose) is that
frames are part of the main story. Textboxes are in a diferent layer. Which
is why the textbox content doesn't appear for xref purposes (nor in the

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can't put a wrapped object inside a frame. You can put the caption in a
frame, but not the photo.

Khoshravan said:
I understand that text box is not good/wise idea to use for puting captions
inside. (Actually I had no intention to do so and it was word option). But
the problem is that I can't insert the frame as well. Should I insert the
frame first and then drag the photo inside? or it will work if I select the
photo and then insert the frame? I succeeded with non of them.


I see. So is that the reason for so many odd behavior of word, attempting to
put the photo inside the frame. Thanks for your valuable comments.
One last issue. How would it be possible to unite the caption inside the
frame and photo, to move with each other. I mean I couldn't use the In line
with text command in this situation. Is there any way?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I can't think of any good way, no. If your picture has been edited such that
it can't be inline, then you're pretty much stuck with leaving it wrapped.

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