Here is a solution to my situation that I have been able to piece together
and get to a rough state using a single form rather than multiples and I do
NOT have to use the OWC reference to make it work. It is incomplete and still
under construction but it may help somebody someplace as it would have helped
me had I been able to find anything closely resembling the following. I do
not know if I will ever be able to get it to work directly with a query in
PivotChart view but I do have it working with a form in PivotChart view
created at run time or it could be used with a previously created form used
over and over. At the very least it is a great starting place for anybody
trying to acomplish what I have spent so many hours searching for. Enjoy!
Note: I am currently researching how to set the Filter "DropZone" data
column value and Series label text value.
Private Sub RunSolution()
Dim objOBJ As AccessObject
For Each objOBJ In CodeProject.AllForms
If objOBJ.Name = "Form1" Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "Form1"
Exit For
End If
Dim frmFRM As Form
Set frmFRM = CreateForm
frmFRM.DefaultView = 4
frmFRM.RecordSource = "qryTEST"
DoCmd.Close acForm, frmFRM.Name, acSaveYes
Set frmFRM = Nothing
Set objOBJ = Nothing
Call CreatePivotChart("Form1", "qryTEST", "Category", "Total")
End Sub
Public Function CreatePivotChart( _
ByRef strFormName As String, _
ByRef strQueryName As String, _
ByRef strColumnCats As String, _
ByRef strColumnVals As String)
On Error GoTo CreatePivotChart_Error
Dim objCHR As Object 'ChartSpace
Dim objSER As Object 'Series
Dim objSEG As Object 'Segment
Dim objCON As Object 'Constants
Dim objDZN As Object 'DropZone
Dim objPLA As Object 'PlotArea
DoCmd.OpenForm strFormName, acFormPivotChart, , , , acWindowNormal
Set objCHR = Forms(strFormName).ChartSpace
Set objCON = objCHR.Constants
Set objPLA = objCHR.Charts(0).PlotArea
Set objSER = objCHR.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0)
Set objSEG = objSER.FormatMap.Segments.Add
Set objDZN = objCHR.DropZones(objCON.chDropZoneSeries)
objCHR.Charts(0).Type = objCON.chChartTypeColumnClustered3D
objPLA.BackWall.Interior.SetSolid "LightGray"
objPLA.BackWall.Thickness = 5
objPLA.SideWall.Interior.SetSolid "LightGray"
objPLA.SideWall.Thickness = 5
objPLA.Floor.Interior.SetSolid "LightGray"
objPLA.Floor.Thickness = 5
' Legend
objCHR.HasChartSpaceLegend = True
objCHR.ChartSpaceLegend.Position = objCON.chLegendPositionTop
' Axes Title (No thanks!)
objCHR.Charts(0).Axes(0).HasTitle = False
objCHR.Charts(0).Axes(1).HasTitle = False
' Categories
objCHR.SetData objCON.chDimCategories, objCON.chDataBound, strColumnCats
' Values
objCHR.SetData objCON.chDimValues, objCON.chDataBound, strColumnVals
'objCHR.SetData objCON.chDimFormatValues, objCON.chDataBound,
' Add Segment and create divisions in formatting automatically
' with the segment boundaries measured using percentage between
' 0 & 1 and displaying shades of Blue through shades of Red
objSEG.HasAutoDivisions = True
objSEG.Begin.ValueType = objCON.chBoundaryValuePercent
objSEG.End.ValueType = objCON.chBoundaryValuePercent
objSEG.Begin.Value = 0
objSEG.End.Value = 1
objSEG.Begin.Interior.Color = "Blue"
objSEG.End.Interior.Color = "Red"
' Custom color the Dropzone
objDZN.ButtonBorder.Weight = objCON.owcLineWeightMedium
objDZN.ButtonInterior.SetSolid "LightGray"
objDZN.ButtonFont.Size = 14
objDZN.WatermarkBorder.Color = "LightGray"
objDZN.WatermarkFont.Color = "LightGray"
objDZN.WatermarkInterior.SetSolid "Blue"
Set objCHR = Nothing
Set objSER = Nothing
Set objSEG = Nothing
Set objCON = Nothing
Set objPLA = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Debug.Print Err.Description
Resume CreatePivotChart_Exit
End Function