Reference to ISmartDocument

  • Thread starter Derek Sanderson
  • Start date

Derek Sanderson

We are trying to unit test our class that implements
ISmartDocument, and need to know how to get a references
to the ISmartDocument interface in the unit test method.

We can get a reference to the Word.Document interface
after creating the word app and opening a smart document
(file path hard coded for now). We are looking for a way
to get to the ISmartDocument interface to unit test the

Thomas Winter

Derek Sanderson said:
We are trying to unit test our class that implements
ISmartDocument, and need to know how to get a references
to the ISmartDocument interface in the unit test method.

We can get a reference to the Word.Document interface
after creating the word app and opening a smart document
(file path hard coded for now). We are looking for a way
to get to the ISmartDocument interface to unit test the
methods. might be a good group to ask
that question in. Just a thought!


Thomas Winter

Derek Sanderson said:
We are trying to unit test our class that implements
ISmartDocument, and need to know how to get a references
to the ISmartDocument interface in the unit test method.

We can get a reference to the Word.Document interface
after creating the word app and opening a smart document
(file path hard coded for now). We are looking for a way
to get to the ISmartDocument interface to unit test the

In Word 2003, the Document object appears to have a SmartDocument property.
Not sure what that really is though!


Lars-Eric Gisslén


Can you elaborate a little bit more on what you are doing. You are actually
providing the Inteface in your SmartDoc Class. The ISmartDocument is just a
set of definitions that your Class must implement at code level so Word
doesn't try to call methods and properties that are not available in the

At runtime Word is frequently bombarding many of the methods, in certain
orders, with events.

Lars-Eric Gisslén


If I remember correctly you use it to get values in the controls in the Task
Pane from the component. I don't have any code here so I can't check

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