Reference workbook with a certain word in the name



I need to reference an open workbook in my code but the name change
periodically; however, it always has the word "count" in it. Is there
way to reference a workbook by a certain word in the name? This is wha
I have so far:


Dim ws As Workbook
If ws.Name Like "*count*" Then ws.Activate


I think I need a "set" somewhere, but I'm not sure what to "set" it as

Any help is appreciated. Thanks


KeriM said:
I need to reference an open workbook in my code but the name changes
periodically; however, it always has the word "count" in it. Is there a
way to reference a workbook by a certain word in the name? This is what
I have so far: [snip]
I think I need a "set" somewhere, but I'm not sure what to "set" it as.

Try something like this:

For Each ws In Workbooks
If InStr(1, ws.Name, "count", vbTextCompare) Then
'...whatever you need to do to ws...
'If there's only one wb named *count* then finish with this:
Exit For
End If

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