References-How do I find out what they do?

  • Thread starter Darel Luechtefeld
  • Start date

Darel Luechtefeld


I'm new to programming in Windows, how is a person to know what all of
those reference libraries do and what is the right one for the current

Thanks in advance=)

Joe Fallon

There are too many to fully understand.

The common ones are Excel, Word, Outlook.

Think of the Libraries as a way to do something in code in stead of the UI
(user interface) of each of those applications. So you can open Excel from
Access and build a spreasheet in code. And the user never even has to see
Excell because you can hide it. Very powerful stuff. But you only need it if
you need to interwct wiht other software. Access is plenty big enough for
you to spend a few years exploring just it!

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