References to backend table


Emma Aumack

I have successfully split my database! Whooo hooo!!! Do I now have to
update code in various procedures that creates tables because I don't want
the tables created in the front end I want them created in the backend. For
example: I have a table that I want imported to the backend. It was
imported into the database with the following code:

chkGTL = "C:\AS400\Check_Greater_Than_List.csv" 'Path for the
AS400 download

DoCmd.OpenQuery "Qry_flush_tbl_Greater_Than_List" 'Delete old
records from tbl_Greater_than_List

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "Check_Greater_than_List
Import Specification", "tbl_Greater_Than_List", chkGTL, False 'upload of
AS400 file

then run through some queries to get the formatting correct and then a new
table is created:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "Qry_Make_GTL_Contracts_Table"

The first two DoCmd.'s I believe are okay because they don't actually create
anything, just delete and replace records. But this last DoCmd.OpenQuery
actually makes a table. Is it better to just do a delete and replace again
here or can I have this query actually make the table in my backend?


End Sub


Yes, you will have to specify the database or they will be created locally in
the FE.


Emma Aumack

Okay, I was going to ask how to do that but I figured it out myself. I just
need to modify the make table query in the front end to make the table in the
backend. Thanks for your help and not giving me too much information . . .
Now it's something I will never forget. . .

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