I use the code below to enable an authorized user to view a particular sheet.
Rather than having the password directly in the code, i want to refer to it
in another hidden sheet called 'ColumnMap'. How can I do this? What i am
trying (see below) isn't working
If InputBox("The 'Actual vs Budget' report has restricted access.
Please enter a password to continue") <> Sheets("Actual vs
Budget").Range("Q3").Value Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Password"
Worksheets("Actual vs Budget").Visible = True
Worksheets("Actual vs Budget").Activate
Unload Me
End If
I use the code below to enable an authorized user to view a particular sheet.
Rather than having the password directly in the code, i want to refer to it
in another hidden sheet called 'ColumnMap'. How can I do this? What i am
trying (see below) isn't working
If InputBox("The 'Actual vs Budget' report has restricted access.
Please enter a password to continue") <> Sheets("Actual vs
Budget").Range("Q3").Value Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Password"
Worksheets("Actual vs Budget").Visible = True
Worksheets("Actual vs Budget").Activate
Unload Me
End If