Referencing a cell in another worksheet then using fill handle to continue pattern



Hi First off let me say this is my first Google Groups post, and I am
excited to see how this will work out.
Ok so my problem is this:
I am trying to set up an auto style spreadsheet that will just take a
value from one cell on a worksheet, and enter it into the designated
cell in another worksheet with in the same workbook. My main data
entering worksheet is called "master". The second sheet i am trying to
set up so that when i enter data on the master sheet, it also appears
where i tell it to on the book 2.
I am using this formula on book 2 where i want the data" =master!C4"
and it works ok. The big thing is is that the next cell needs to
reference master!c6 and then next is c8 and so on. So i basically need
to repeat this formula for every other alternating cell in the master
document. When i enter 4 or 5 of these manually in book 2, and then try
to use the auto fill handle, it does not recognize the even numbver
pattern. ANy ideas?

Dave Peterson

I like this technique:

Put this in the top cell in your range:

Notice that you don't actually have a formula that retrieves the value from the
Master Sheet. It's a formula that builds a formula.

Drag down the column as far as you need

Select that range
Edit|paste special|values

With that range still selected
what: $$$
with: = (equal sign)
replace all


Thanks Dave for your response!
I will give this a shot and see if it works! I appreciate it. I will
let you know the outcome.

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