Referencing a specific number to more general values in a table.



Hello, I'd really like to know the best way of doing this. I'll try to be as
specific as possible.
I have a series of ten cells, in each one a value can be entered. They are
all medical test results for patients. Each number that can be entered may
be low, normal or high for that particular test. I have 10 seperate tables
for each of the ten cells. In the tables all the possible clinical values
for that test are listed. All the low values have an A in the adjacent
column, normals have a B, and high a C. The table for the next
cell(different test) then uses DEF and so on.
So, one patients test results may return a ADH??????? or CFI??????? etc,
depending on the values entered. I have set up a vlookup that collects the
ten character code for that patients test results based on the values
entered. The ten character code is is essence variable for every patient
since they may be high, low or normal in varying combinations of the ten
Now, I want to be able to return specific clinical comments for the ten
character code.
I have all the possible comments in a table. Some of the comments need to
be put in if the code contains CFILO* regardless of what the other characters
are. Other comments would be put in if the code contains CF??O*. Others
still would be true if we had AF???Q? or AFILOQTXZ?. Is there any way I can
look at the specific ten character code I get from the vlookup of the values
entered in the cells. And reference that to the more general values that
would return my specific comments? So can I get CF??O* to return true for
the full ten character code from my vlookup and return the appropriate
comment? Of course it would have to match all the character combinations
that apply to that 10 character code.
Any thoughts?

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