I have formulas that refer to the values of 4 total cells c27-c30...
Hence, each cell can only take on 4 values... How, besides the value,
can it take upon the cell background as well???
(c27-c28 is green, c29-c30 is red)... I have tried:
a.) The GET.CELL function.
b.) and vba code.. but can't seem to get anyone of these right!!!!
Any ideas? (conditional formatting doesn't work, because the values in
these cells are actually symbols , c27 and c28 are an up and down arrow
respectively in green, while c29, anc c30 are an up and down arrow with
the background in red. If you try to do conditional formatting... it
won't work because a.) you have 4 conditions, and b, the values are
actually two, up and down arrow... Any help???? )
Hence, each cell can only take on 4 values... How, besides the value,
can it take upon the cell background as well???
(c27-c28 is green, c29-c30 is red)... I have tried:
a.) The GET.CELL function.
b.) and vba code.. but can't seem to get anyone of these right!!!!
Any ideas? (conditional formatting doesn't work, because the values in
these cells are actually symbols , c27 and c28 are an up and down arrow
respectively in green, while c29, anc c30 are an up and down arrow with
the background in red. If you try to do conditional formatting... it
won't work because a.) you have 4 conditions, and b, the values are
actually two, up and down arrow... Any help???? )