Hmmmm.. I thought this would be an easy one. Maybe my wording was
confusing. As an example, I have an .mdb Form that has a label (LabelA).
This LabelA has a value of "=[LastName] & ", " & [FirstName]". On the
form this displays as a regular label with a value of Langton, Ryan (if I
was the current record selected). Is there any way to do this with .adp?
It doesn't seem to be able to access the record values. "=[LastName] & ",
" & [FirstName]" shows up exactly as "=[LastName] & ", " & [FirstName]" on
an .adp form.
Ryan Langton said:
With an .mdb, syntax of " = [fieldName] " for a label would cause the
value of the field to show up as the label. How do I do this with .adp?