Referencing in closed workbooks



I'm trying to reference cells in a workbook which will be closed when
looking at the summary I've done. CELL "contents" doesn't seem to work
when the workbook is closed. I can't seem to find a formula that will
work. Does anyone else understand what I'm trying to do? Is there a
FAQ or something for this newsgroup?
Thanks, L.


if you just need to link to some cell you can do it like this:
1, open both of your documents - the one you want to get info from and also
the one you want to get info into
2. in that one you want to get the info type into cell = and click into
appropriate cell in the document you want to get info from.
you will get some link like this: =[kolorimetreie_rozvrh.xls]Sheet1!$B$39
where the [name] refers to the file name I'm getting info from and
Sheet1!$B$39 is address of certain cell

Then save your document and close that you are getting info from, then you
will see that the link will change to something like this:
This refers to the full address of document on your machine. Whenever you
open the document where you have this link inserted you will be requested
either to update or ignore the link - update means that excel will locate
the appropriate file and check the value of referenced cell, ignore means
excel will used the value which it remembers from last time it was saved.
Is that what you wanted? Is it clear? If not I will post you some example.


Your post doesn't give enough info to be certain, but you may also benefit
from the Data>Consolidate feature. Take a look at XL Help on the Consolidate
feature including the topic;

Guidelines for specifying source areas for a consolidation

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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