referencing large blocks of text from one dynamic doc to another


Duncan Rowland

I prepare the financial statements for a company that has to consolidate
another company’s financial statements at each fiscal quarter. The
consolidation encompasses not just the numbers in the balance sheet and
income statement, but the text in the notes to the financial statements,
which amounts to about 5-6 pages. This is not a one-time exercise, as the
financial statements go through several iterations before their final version
is accepted.

We both prepare the notes in Word. I’d like to avoid cutting and pasting or
even worse, manually re-keying the text, as this increases the likelihood of
errors, which can be career-killers.

Is there a means of having my MS Word financial statements ‘look through’ to
those of the subsidiary and pick up the text in this way? It would be ideal
that when they make any changes to their file, it immediately flowed through
(or could be simply refreshed) to ours.

The subsidiary is on a separate server, however I could use Sharepoint to
access their Word file. Any advice on how to get this running would be

Any assistance is appreciated, as our pick-up of their text is a real bear.

Thanks and regards,


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