I have a form I'm using to collect data to search a table. One field is
called "DateComp" data type of Date. I don't want to use actual dates to
search by, simply provide an Option Group with "Completed", "Open" (value of
2) or "All". The Option Group "Status_Grp" is unbound since the data type of
the underlying field is different.
In the query the criteria for the DateComp I've tried:
IIf([Forms]![1_Main]![Status_Grp]=2,"Is Not Null")
IIf([Forms]![1_Main]![Status_Grp]=2,"Is Null")
For testing purposes I'm trying to match just one of the fields, if I can do
that, nesting will be easy – hopefully I'm running out of hair.
I've tried with and without quotes, tried adding Like in front. All results
yield zero records. This is the only criteria in the query so far. Am I not
referencing the group correctly?
called "DateComp" data type of Date. I don't want to use actual dates to
search by, simply provide an Option Group with "Completed", "Open" (value of
2) or "All". The Option Group "Status_Grp" is unbound since the data type of
the underlying field is different.
In the query the criteria for the DateComp I've tried:
IIf([Forms]![1_Main]![Status_Grp]=2,"Is Not Null")
IIf([Forms]![1_Main]![Status_Grp]=2,"Is Null")
For testing purposes I'm trying to match just one of the fields, if I can do
that, nesting will be easy – hopefully I'm running out of hair.
I've tried with and without quotes, tried adding Like in front. All results
yield zero records. This is the only criteria in the query so far. Am I not
referencing the group correctly?