I have a master table, tblProject, and set a one to many Relationship with
tblsource, and specified Referential Integrity, but I am
having trouble adding new values to the tblsource. I am trying to
populate the field via a cbo and I should be able to enter new data into the
table via a cbo, which then copies to the master. The cbo is bound to the
field 'source' which appears in tblsource and tblproject. when I try to enter
new data into the cbo, I am receiving the correct message asking whether I
wish to add new data, but when click yes, an error msge appears - stating no
record can be written on the many side if there is no corresponding Record on
the one side. I am confused.
I have similar cbo operating on other databases doing exactly what is
required, ie.added new data via a cbo and the many sided sourceID is copied
to the corresponding field in master, but I cannot replicate the process.
hopefully this makes sense and many thanks for advice
tblsource, and specified Referential Integrity, but I am
having trouble adding new values to the tblsource. I am trying to
populate the field via a cbo and I should be able to enter new data into the
table via a cbo, which then copies to the master. The cbo is bound to the
field 'source' which appears in tblsource and tblproject. when I try to enter
new data into the cbo, I am receiving the correct message asking whether I
wish to add new data, but when click yes, an error msge appears - stating no
record can be written on the many side if there is no corresponding Record on
the one side. I am confused.
I have similar cbo operating on other databases doing exactly what is
required, ie.added new data via a cbo and the many sided sourceID is copied
to the corresponding field in master, but I cannot replicate the process.
hopefully this makes sense and many thanks for advice