Pat Rasmussen
I am trying to make a chart visible or invisible depending on where
user is at on the form, using the GotFocus event for that control.
I tried "Me![ChartObject].visible = True, but it says can't find the
chart. I Named the chart, and used that name in above. This is in
Access 97. The Chart is on a form used for data entry and the chart
shows the result of the data added to previous data (a line chart for
Any help for me?

user is at on the form, using the GotFocus event for that control.
I tried "Me![ChartObject].visible = True, but it says can't find the
chart. I Named the chart, and used that name in above. This is in
Access 97. The Chart is on a form used for data entry and the chart
shows the result of the data added to previous data (a line chart for
Any help for me?