I asked this question before and didnt get reponse but I think I didnt ask it
properly nor provide the appropriate information. I am hoping to have
explained it better this time.
I have a query which selects the most recent record that works great (see
below) I want to refine that query to also show me those records which have
actual_complete_date that is less than or equal to 14 days from date chosen
in Forms!frmRptQuery!Combo0.
SELECT PM.proj_mgr_branch AS [Proj Mgr Code], P.project_title AS Project,
PM.proj_mgr_name AS [Proj Mgr Name], P.proj_risk_level AS [Project Risk
Level], C.cust_adv_name AS [Customer Advocate], E.ee_description AS
[Enterprise Executive (EE)], F.planned_funding AS [Funding to spend in
FY07($K) (From Carryover & New Orders)], F.bcwp AS [BCWP ($K)], F.bcws AS
[BCWS ($K)], F.acwp AS [ACWP ($K)], IIf([bcwp]<>0 And
([bcws])<>0,CDbl([bcwp])/CDbl([bcws])) AS SPI, IIf([bcwp]<>0 And
([acwp])<>0,CDbl([bcwp])/CDbl([acwp])) AS CPI, F.method_of_calculation AS
[Method of Calculation], F.comments AS Comments, F.spi_narrative AS [SPI
Narrative], F.cpi_narrative AS [CPI Narrative], F.carryover_funds AS
[Estimated Carry-over ($k)], F.actual_complete_date AS Completed
FROM project_manager AS PM INNER JOIN (enterprise_executive AS E INNER JOIN
(customer_advocate AS C INNER JOIN (project_execution_metrics AS P INNER JOIN
funding_history AS F ON P.proj_exec_id = F.proj_exec_id) ON C.cust_adv_id =
P.cust_adv_id) ON E.ee_id = P.ee_id) ON PM.proj_mgr_id = P.proj_mgr_id
WHERE (((F.DateID)=(SELECT Max(X.DateID) FROM funding_history AS X Where
X.DateID <= Forms!frmRptQuery!Combo0 AND X.proj_exec_id=F.proj_exec_id
properly nor provide the appropriate information. I am hoping to have
explained it better this time.
I have a query which selects the most recent record that works great (see
below) I want to refine that query to also show me those records which have
actual_complete_date that is less than or equal to 14 days from date chosen
in Forms!frmRptQuery!Combo0.
SELECT PM.proj_mgr_branch AS [Proj Mgr Code], P.project_title AS Project,
PM.proj_mgr_name AS [Proj Mgr Name], P.proj_risk_level AS [Project Risk
Level], C.cust_adv_name AS [Customer Advocate], E.ee_description AS
[Enterprise Executive (EE)], F.planned_funding AS [Funding to spend in
FY07($K) (From Carryover & New Orders)], F.bcwp AS [BCWP ($K)], F.bcws AS
[BCWS ($K)], F.acwp AS [ACWP ($K)], IIf([bcwp]<>0 And
([bcws])<>0,CDbl([bcwp])/CDbl([bcws])) AS SPI, IIf([bcwp]<>0 And
([acwp])<>0,CDbl([bcwp])/CDbl([acwp])) AS CPI, F.method_of_calculation AS
[Method of Calculation], F.comments AS Comments, F.spi_narrative AS [SPI
Narrative], F.cpi_narrative AS [CPI Narrative], F.carryover_funds AS
[Estimated Carry-over ($k)], F.actual_complete_date AS Completed
FROM project_manager AS PM INNER JOIN (enterprise_executive AS E INNER JOIN
(customer_advocate AS C INNER JOIN (project_execution_metrics AS P INNER JOIN
funding_history AS F ON P.proj_exec_id = F.proj_exec_id) ON C.cust_adv_id =
P.cust_adv_id) ON E.ee_id = P.ee_id) ON PM.proj_mgr_id = P.proj_mgr_id
WHERE (((F.DateID)=(SELECT Max(X.DateID) FROM funding_history AS X Where
X.DateID <= Forms!frmRptQuery!Combo0 AND X.proj_exec_id=F.proj_exec_id