Reformatting old documents to new using styles, TOC, tables etc



I was just after some general advice on how it is best (and possibly
easiest) to reformat old documents (generally approx 100pg tender
documents). The old documents are riddled with errors as they have been
used and reused for many years. Some are even WordPerfect hand-me-downs.
I'm a big fan of styles, table of contents, tables (insead of tabs) etc etc
and want to know an easy way to reformat these old documents onto the new
and improved Word 2003 format.

Just to give you an idea of the current philosophy, I currently select all
of the text, convert to "Normal" Style, copy into a new template document
(*.doc) with all the required styles etc and then use shortcuts keys to
convert headings, paragraphs etc. Is there an easier way? I also want to
ensure my documents are as stable as possible, as i've had some bad
experiences with old documents crashing (or freezing) and becoming


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