Refresh after submit



Question: How do I refresh my InfoPath form after hitting the Submit button
that saves the data to a database.

I have a drop down list that controls the flow of all the data in my form.
If a user picks something from the drop down list it will populate the other
text boxes with data from an XML File.

What I want to do is clear the drop down list so that it forces the user to
choose a new item ddl. This way it can refresh the data. How can I do this
within the Submit button? Thanks in Advance.

Franck Dauché


An easy way is to create a "reset" function in your code that you can call
after your current data is saved. In that function, you can target the node
linked to your drop-down, and you can set the value by code to be "" (if it
is your default value).
thisXDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode(node path).text = "";

This works OK if you are just trying to reset a few specific nodes.

Hope that helps.

Franck Dauché


I'm pretty new at this InfoPath stuff so please walk me through to do a
reset. Can you show me the steps? Thanks!

Franck Dauché

I am assuming a IP project with C# code behind. You added a button to
perform your "Save" function. After that "Save call" just add:

At the bottom of your FormCode.cs, add:
private void resetMyControls()
thisXDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode(node path).text = "";
//where -node path- = "/my:rootName/my:......./my:finalNodeName"
//add here any other nodes that you need to reset

Franck Dauché

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