I have the code below that creates a backup of a
spreadsheet. I also have code to refresh all of my web
queries at month end. I need to change the refresh from
month end to the 24th of each month and a way to error so
that if for some reason it was conducted on the 24th, it
could be carried out at any other day within that month.
(To make sure no data is lost).
My backup button also needs some fine tuning to first
check to see if the refresh occurred, and only then,
allow the backup to be created. Then if it has been
created, I don't want the backup to take place.
Please help!!!
Private Sub Backup_Button_Click()
Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As
Integer, OK As Boolean
If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub
Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
If awb.Path = "" Then
BackupFileName = awb.FullName
i = 0
While InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".") > 0
i = InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".")
If i > 0 Then BackupFileName = Left
(BackupFileName, i - 1)
'BackupFileName = BackupFileName & ".bak"
OK = False
On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave
If Dir(Left(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Len
(ThisWorkbook.FullName) - 4) & _
Format(Date, "_yyyy_mm") & ".bak") <> "" Then
MsgBox "File Already Exists!",
vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name
With awb
Application.StatusBar = "Saving this
Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Left
(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Len( _
ThisWorkbook.FullName) - 4) & Format
(Date, "_yyyy_mm") & ".bak"
'.SaveCopyAs BackupFileName
OK = True
End With
End If
End If
Set awb = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
If Not OK Then
MsgBox "Backup Copy Not Saved!", vbExclamation,
MsgBox "Backup was successful!", vbInformation,
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Refresh_Button_Click()
If Date = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 1, 0)
MsgBox "This is the last day of the Month. Your
data will be updated."
' RefreshMeters Macro
' Macro recorded 30/09/2003 by rhocarit
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+a
MsgBox "This is NOT the last day of the Month.
Your data has NOT been updated."
End If
End Sub
I have the code below that creates a backup of a
spreadsheet. I also have code to refresh all of my web
queries at month end. I need to change the refresh from
month end to the 24th of each month and a way to error so
that if for some reason it was conducted on the 24th, it
could be carried out at any other day within that month.
(To make sure no data is lost).
My backup button also needs some fine tuning to first
check to see if the refresh occurred, and only then,
allow the backup to be created. Then if it has been
created, I don't want the backup to take place.
Please help!!!
Private Sub Backup_Button_Click()
Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As
Integer, OK As Boolean
If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub
Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
If awb.Path = "" Then
BackupFileName = awb.FullName
i = 0
While InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".") > 0
i = InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".")
If i > 0 Then BackupFileName = Left
(BackupFileName, i - 1)
'BackupFileName = BackupFileName & ".bak"
OK = False
On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave
If Dir(Left(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Len
(ThisWorkbook.FullName) - 4) & _
Format(Date, "_yyyy_mm") & ".bak") <> "" Then
MsgBox "File Already Exists!",
vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name
With awb
Application.StatusBar = "Saving this
Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Left
(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Len( _
ThisWorkbook.FullName) - 4) & Format
(Date, "_yyyy_mm") & ".bak"
'.SaveCopyAs BackupFileName
OK = True
End With
End If
End If
Set awb = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
If Not OK Then
MsgBox "Backup Copy Not Saved!", vbExclamation,
MsgBox "Backup was successful!", vbInformation,
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Refresh_Button_Click()
If Date = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 1, 0)
MsgBox "This is the last day of the Month. Your
data will be updated."
' RefreshMeters Macro
' Macro recorded 30/09/2003 by rhocarit
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+a
MsgBox "This is NOT the last day of the Month.
Your data has NOT been updated."
End If
End Sub