Is anybody know that if there are few users in the server, for examp. user
A,B,C and there is a share excel file TESTING.XLS. Three of the users have
the different right to the TESTING.XlS file.
A & B = Read Only
C = Full right of amend,read,save.
if A/B open TESTING.XLS file in the first, later C open again and amend
something and save, how to let user A/B to refresh the data which open
earlier without close and open the file again ?
Thank you.
Is anybody know that if there are few users in the server, for examp. user
A,B,C and there is a share excel file TESTING.XLS. Three of the users have
the different right to the TESTING.XlS file.
A & B = Read Only
C = Full right of amend,read,save.
if A/B open TESTING.XLS file in the first, later C open again and amend
something and save, how to let user A/B to refresh the data which open
earlier without close and open the file again ?
Thank you.