Refresh Datasources


Lee Vance

I've got an InfoPath form that is not stored in a database, but has
datasources that pull from a database to populate drop downs. When a value
is selected from the dropdown, there are rules that populate other fields
with other fields in the datasource based on the selected record.

My problem is that when the dropdown is changed, the data on the other
fields does not refresh. It holds the same data that it was originally
populated with. What can I do to make the data refresh for each field that
is tied to the same datasource as the drop down when the drop down value

Clay Fox

Hey Lee.

Are you using rules on your dropdowns or default values to set the fields?
Are the fields in your main data source or are you showing the secondary

Data sources can be queried again via rule actions but it sounds like it is
more changing of field values that you are having an issue with.


Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

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