Refresh each Form


Bob Vance

I have an AfterUpdare script that shows relevant records in my subForm and
this works fine when I use it,is it possible to code it so as when I scroll
from one form to the next it will show the relevant records in the subForm,
At the moment when I scroll using my control subform stays
inactive.....................Regards Bob
Private Sub cbOwnerID_AfterUpdate()
Dim nRtnValue As Integer
If IsNull(cbOwnerID1.Column(0)) Then
nRtnValue = vbYes

End If
If nRtnValue = vbYes Then
cbOwnerID1.value = cbOwnerID.value
Form("SubPaymentShowChild").Form.Filter = "[OwnerID]=" & Me.cbOwnerID
Form("SubPaymentShowChild").Form.FilterOn = True
Form("SubPayModePayChild").Form.Filter = "[OwnerID]=" & Me.cbOwnerID
Form("SubPayModePayChild").Form.FilterOn = True
If Len(Me.cbOwnerID.value & "") > 0 Then
Me.cbOwnerID.Locked = True
Dim rsFullAmtPaid As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsFullAmtPaid = New ADODB.Recordset

tbShowTotal.value = cbOwnerID.Column(5)
End If
End If
End Sub

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