Refresh option Group




I have been messing around with this for ages and now have a mind block :)

I have a form with an option group. A user enters data and selects various
option group options. But.... when they select add a new record the option
"hangs over" to the new record. Of course they think they option is slected
but this does not action on OnClick event. This does not happen OnLoad or
OnOpen just DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

I have tried
Me.XXXXXX.refresh etc etc
If Me.New Record......then etc etc
Me.XXXXXX.etc etc

I can
But all this does is change the colour so it "appears" unselected but it
does not "deselect" the option

Getting nowhere. There is no defualt option set for the group so am lost as
why the option group will hang over to the next record.

Question - How do I set the option group back to nothing selected

Many thanks

Steve Schapel


This sounds like the Option Group is unbound. Is that right? In which
case it is behaving as expected.

Try like this:
Me.NameOfOptionGroup = 0

This could go on the Current event of the form. Or as part of the same
code as the GoToRecord method.

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