Refresh scenario information in a pivot table


Fin Analyst

Good morning. I am hoping somebody knows the answer to this. I have three
scenarios that I need run for a complicated workbook I have set up. When I
run the scenarios I have them put into a pivot table. The problem is that if
somebody needs to change information (in cells other than those labeled as
"changing cells" in the scenario) after the scenarios are run the "result
cells" do not change accordingly. Do they need to re-run the scenarios every
time if information changes, or is there a way to refresh the information in
the pivot table for each scenario? I am new to using pivot tables. The
refresh button on my toolbar is grayed out for my pivot table. Hopefully I
am explaining this correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Debra Dalgleish

You can't refresh the pivot table that's created by the Scenario Manager. If
the information changes, you can create a new copy of the pivot table.

Fin Analyst

That's what I was afraid of. Glad somebody could verify that for me. Thanks
for your help!


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