Refreshing drop down cell values...



I have a spreadsheet with formulas that callculate cell values based on the
values of drop-down list cells.

For example:
Cell1 has a drop down list of 'High', 'Medium' and 'Low'.
Cell1 is displaying 'Medium'.

Cell2 has a formula that refrences Cell1 and displays a corresponding
numeric value. e.g. if Cell1 is 'High' Cell2 value is '9'. If Cell 1 is
"Medium' then cell2 value displays '5'. If cell1 is 'Low' then cell2 displays

Cell 2 is currently displaying 1.

When I do a CTRL-ALT-F9 to refresh the formulas, nothing changes.
When I reselect Medium in the cell1 drop down list, then cell2 correctly
changes to display '5'.

I have hundreds of these! How do I refresh all the drop down list cell
values, so that the corresponding cell formulas will automatically update,
without selecting the value in the drop down list manually?

Thanks in advance...

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