Fred Boer
Hello (again!):
Has anyone experienced a problem with RefreshTitleBar not actually
refreshing the title bar? I'm using it, and it seems that it doesn't
actually work - but the new title bar name *does* show up if the .mdb is
closed and reopened, and if I do a break point, it appears that the value of
the title bar has been set properly by my code... The process involves 3
forms: one form which allows user to change title bar and app icon, the back
end .mdb, and another form which I want to pull these values from the back
end tables, but which doesn't allow the user to make changes.
Here's the code: (Please forgive my inclusion of all the code, but I think
it might be necessary/helpful to see it in context,)
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270
Dim db As DAO.Database
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Load various values for labels and system settings...
Me.lblDate.Caption = Format(Date, "Long Date")
If Len(DLookup("VersionNumber", "tblSettings") & "") = 0 Then
Me.lblVersion.Caption = "Version " & 2
Me.lblVersion.Caption = "Version " & DLookup("VersionNumber",
End If
If Len(DLookup("Copyright", "tblSettings") & "") = 0 Then
Me.lblFBLSD.Caption = "Copyright " & Format(Date, "yyyy") & " " & "
Fred Boer Library Systems © "
Me.lblFBLSD.Caption = "Copyright " & Format(Date, "yyyy") & " " &
DLookup("Copyright", "tblSettings") & "©"
End If
If Not IsNull(DLookup("PathToSplashScreenPicture", "tblSettings")) Then
If Dir(DLookup("PathToSplashScreenPicture", "tblSettings")) = ""
MsgBox "The custom image, which should be displayed now, cannot
be found." & vbCrLf & "Please provide a valid path to an image of your
choice." & vbCrLf & "On the main menu, use ""Tools>System Settings"" to
specify an image of your choice.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation,
Nz(DLookup("AppTitle", "tblSettings"), "My Library")
Me.lblPleaseSelectPicture.Visible = True
Me.boxDefault.Visible = True
Me.imgSplashScreen.Visible = False
Me.imgSplashScreen.Picture =
DLookup("PathToSplashScreenPicture", "tblSettings")
Me.imgSplashScreen.Visible = True
Me.lblPleaseSelectPicture.Visible = False
Me.boxDefault.Visible = False
End If
Me.lblPleaseSelectPicture.Visible = True
Me.boxDefault.Visible = True
Me.imgSplashScreen.Visible = False
End If
Set db = CurrentDb()
'Change application icon
db.Properties!AppIcon = Nz(DLookup("PathToAppIcon", "tblSettings"), "A")
CurrentDb.Properties("UseAppIconForFrmRpt") = 1
'Change title bar.
db.Properties!AppTitle = Nz(DLookup("AppTitle", "tblSettings"), "My
'If there is no custom application title or custom application icon, the
code to set these items will cause
'Access to generate an error. The error handling code for this error
will create and append the properties
'to the database. It will try to set the title and icon to the values
'in the settings table. If that value is blank, then default values will
be used.
'Access ignores invalid application icon settings and uses the default
Access icon.
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case conPropNotFoundError
'Trap and fix missing application title or icon error...
Dim intX As Integer
Const DB_Text As Long = 10
intX = AddAppProperty("AppTitle", DB_Text, Nz(DLookup("AppTitle",
"tblSettings"), "My Library"))
intX = AddAppProperty("AppIcon", DB_Text,
Nz(DLookup("PathToAppIcon", "tblSettings"), "A"))
CurrentDb.Properties("UseAppIconForFrmRpt") = 1
Case 3024
Call fRefreshLinks
Case 3044
Call fRefreshLinks
Case 2220
'Ignore the error about missing image files,since we deal with
that above
Resume Next
Case Else
fncErrorMessage Err.Number, Err.Description
End Select
Resume ExitPoint
End Sub
Has anyone experienced a problem with RefreshTitleBar not actually
refreshing the title bar? I'm using it, and it seems that it doesn't
actually work - but the new title bar name *does* show up if the .mdb is
closed and reopened, and if I do a break point, it appears that the value of
the title bar has been set properly by my code... The process involves 3
forms: one form which allows user to change title bar and app icon, the back
end .mdb, and another form which I want to pull these values from the back
end tables, but which doesn't allow the user to make changes.
Here's the code: (Please forgive my inclusion of all the code, but I think
it might be necessary/helpful to see it in context,)
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270
Dim db As DAO.Database
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Load various values for labels and system settings...
Me.lblDate.Caption = Format(Date, "Long Date")
If Len(DLookup("VersionNumber", "tblSettings") & "") = 0 Then
Me.lblVersion.Caption = "Version " & 2
Me.lblVersion.Caption = "Version " & DLookup("VersionNumber",
End If
If Len(DLookup("Copyright", "tblSettings") & "") = 0 Then
Me.lblFBLSD.Caption = "Copyright " & Format(Date, "yyyy") & " " & "
Fred Boer Library Systems © "
Me.lblFBLSD.Caption = "Copyright " & Format(Date, "yyyy") & " " &
DLookup("Copyright", "tblSettings") & "©"
End If
If Not IsNull(DLookup("PathToSplashScreenPicture", "tblSettings")) Then
If Dir(DLookup("PathToSplashScreenPicture", "tblSettings")) = ""
MsgBox "The custom image, which should be displayed now, cannot
be found." & vbCrLf & "Please provide a valid path to an image of your
choice." & vbCrLf & "On the main menu, use ""Tools>System Settings"" to
specify an image of your choice.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation,
Nz(DLookup("AppTitle", "tblSettings"), "My Library")
Me.lblPleaseSelectPicture.Visible = True
Me.boxDefault.Visible = True
Me.imgSplashScreen.Visible = False
Me.imgSplashScreen.Picture =
DLookup("PathToSplashScreenPicture", "tblSettings")
Me.imgSplashScreen.Visible = True
Me.lblPleaseSelectPicture.Visible = False
Me.boxDefault.Visible = False
End If
Me.lblPleaseSelectPicture.Visible = True
Me.boxDefault.Visible = True
Me.imgSplashScreen.Visible = False
End If
Set db = CurrentDb()
'Change application icon
db.Properties!AppIcon = Nz(DLookup("PathToAppIcon", "tblSettings"), "A")
CurrentDb.Properties("UseAppIconForFrmRpt") = 1
'Change title bar.
db.Properties!AppTitle = Nz(DLookup("AppTitle", "tblSettings"), "My
'If there is no custom application title or custom application icon, the
code to set these items will cause
'Access to generate an error. The error handling code for this error
will create and append the properties
'to the database. It will try to set the title and icon to the values
'in the settings table. If that value is blank, then default values will
be used.
'Access ignores invalid application icon settings and uses the default
Access icon.
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case conPropNotFoundError
'Trap and fix missing application title or icon error...
Dim intX As Integer
Const DB_Text As Long = 10
intX = AddAppProperty("AppTitle", DB_Text, Nz(DLookup("AppTitle",
"tblSettings"), "My Library"))
intX = AddAppProperty("AppIcon", DB_Text,
Nz(DLookup("PathToAppIcon", "tblSettings"), "A"))
CurrentDb.Properties("UseAppIconForFrmRpt") = 1
Case 3024
Call fRefreshLinks
Case 3044
Call fRefreshLinks
Case 2220
'Ignore the error about missing image files,since we deal with
that above
Resume Next
Case Else
fncErrorMessage Err.Number, Err.Description
End Select
Resume ExitPoint
End Sub